Gavėnas has been managing number of businesses in manufacturing, service, trade and distribution fields. Since 1989 G. Gavenas has accumulated extensive experience in managing SMEs, international units in Lithuania and Finland and large multinational projects.
As Management consultant, G. Gavėnas has served to develop more than 40 business strategies, more than 15 budgeting and controlling projects, a dozen of motivation systems, several company structure refurbishment projects, few companies bailout cases in Lithuania and abroad
G Gavenas ir serving as independent board member for several businesses.
G Gavenas is invited speaker for conferences, universities and corporate development schools
Gintaras Gavėnas, PhD
Management consutant

Thomas Ronlev is an entrepreneurial person involved in a few companies developing and selling robots, primarily for the metal and automotive industries – through the companies Factobotics in Lithuania, Flexy Weld in Denmark and SFC Solutions in Spain.
Thomas Ronlev

Markku Räsänen
Private entrepreneur

Executive Tech savvy MICE professional with extensive experience ability to advise on and carry out improving/creating processes. Have proven precise organizational, people management and administrative skills, well-developed managerial, reliable problem solving skills, strong leadership capabilities and can effectively coordinate projects (working within a team in a multi-cultural, international and multidisciplinary environment) to make sure that each project has 100% success rate and positive churn.
Managing different MICE Framework contracts, gained solid knowledge of the institutional and legal framework, the financial regulation and procurement standards applicable to different institutions and agencies in Lithuania and EU.
Eglė Jaugienė
Executive Tech savvy MICE professional

I enjoy setting new things into motion! It thrives me when I can set the right team which will enable a new idea to become a success. Over my 15 years in Lithuania I have been involved in several startups, ranging from metal production, wood production, workforce rental, wellness / outdoor spas, wine import & distribution, etc. I have been CEO, Business developer, Boardmember or Founder in these companies. During these 15 years, my main business was, and still is, Interior solutions & displays for public areas like Shops, Car dealers, hotels, restaurants, schools & Office spaces.
Thomas Salling
Interior solutions & displays professional